The oversight and management of the prestigious Arcan Veritas Distinction awards fall under the purview of Magnus Gemoeteres, a masonic research organisation that operates under The Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland. The A.V.D.A. is a Magnus Geometres initiative intended to promote masonic education under the auspices of the Information & Communication Commission, of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free & Accepted Masons of Scotland.
The board of trustees for Magnus Geometres comprises a carefully curated group of brethren who collectively steer the direction of these awards.
Brother Peter Taylor - Chair of the Board of Trustees
Brother Peter Taylor, a Past Master of Lodge Albert N°448 and Lodge Discovery N°1789, is the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Forfarshire. He holds leadership roles at the Grand Lodge of Scotland, serving as Chairman of the Information and Communications Committee. Peter is a distinguished member across various masonic orders, including the Royal Arch Chapter, Mark Master Mason, Cryptic Council, and Royal Ark Mariners. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, he has achieved significant degrees and ranks. Additionally, Peter is affiliated with Societas Rosicruciana In Scotia, Royal Order of Scotland, Knight Templar, and other orders.
Brother Roland Prince - Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees
Brother Roland Prince, a Past Master of Lodge Peace 908 - SC, and a member of the Royal Ark Mariner at Berytus 679. He boasts a Diploma of Distinguished Service Membership from the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Holding an Honorary Grand Rank as Senior Grand Deacon, he also serves as the GLS Grand Representative for the Grand Lodge of Lithuania. Roland chaired the DGL Education Committee in the District Grand Lodge of Lebanon and played a pivotal role in crafting the new corporate identity and logo for the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland. He was the initiator and co-founder of Magnus Geometres, the Masonic Research Society serving as administrator for AVDA.
Brother William M.S. Semple - Member of the Board of Trustees
Brother William M. S. Semple serves as the Chief Executive and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland, overseeing Scottish Freemasonry. Brother Semple also holds the position of Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Perthshire West.
Brother Rabie Jarmakani - Member of the Board of Trustees
Brother Rabie Jarmakani is the Hon.Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland and the immediate Past District Grand Master of the DG Lodge of Lebanon. Brother Jarmakani, was initiated in April 1991, and is a member of various Lodges under the Scottish and English constitutions. Brother Jarmakani holds past rank in the Supreme Grand Chapter of England and 30-degree Knight of Kadosh under the Supreme Council 33 for England & Wales. Co-founder of the Magnus Geometres, the governing body of the Arcana Veritas Distinction Awards under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.